Portfolio: Amazing apps built

Swaap Finance (2021-2024, web3)

Swaap Finance (2021-2024, web3)-0
Swaap Finance (2021-2024, web3)-1
Swaap Finance (2021-2024, web3)-2

This web3 application for Swaap Finance allow users to deposit money into the blockchain via a secured smart contract. The smart contract will produce market making for the benefit of the user.

Visit Swaap Finance site

Nauto AI (2021-2022, React + d3.js)

Nauto AI (2021-2022, React + d3.js)-0
Nauto AI (2021-2022, React + d3.js)-1

Nauto AI is a californian scale-up introducing real time sensors in fleet cars – such as Fedex or UPS. The system detects driver errors and are aggregated into dashboards.

Visit Nauto AI site

Diool (2019-2020, Angular)

Diool (2019-2020, Angular)-0

Diool is a mobile application in Cameroon that allows users to pay their bills with phone.

Visit Diool site

Boston Consulting Group (2020, Java)

Boston Consulting Group (2020, Java)-0

I had the luck to work with this huge American firm to deploy the new CMS. The work was technically not that hard (mainly basic Java servlets and CSS), but result pressure was intense.

Visit Boston Consulting Group site

Renault SAM (2019-2020, CQRS/Event-Sourcing)

Renault SAM (2019-2020, CQRS/Event-Sourcing)-0
Renault SAM (2019-2020, CQRS/Event-Sourcing)-1
Renault SAM (2019-2020, CQRS/Event-Sourcing)-2

SAM is a tool to simplify access to Renault’s internal tools. I proposed and implemented an economical and innovative CQRS/Event-Sourcing architecture

Eyelo (2015, Angular)

Eyelo (2015, Angular)-0

Eye.lo is a tracker for telecoms. The application allow admin users to create customized dashboards for functional users – such as sellers or CEO. It’s a huge Javascript app for this epoch, made with plain old Angular JS.

DocDoku (2013, Three.js)

DocDoku (2013, Three.js)-0

Docdoku PLM is a PLM software running on Ipad, transforming Catia data into Three.js structures. Very innovative, we were able to build this working mvp in a few month with only 5 people.